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Support SVEN Comfort 7400 EL and 7600 EL: in Darkness without Problems

A keyboard with the key backlit – it is not only fashionably and brightly, first of all, it is convenient. It is the best way out for night owls, who like to sit at the computer in the dark, at that not turning on the light in the room and not disturbing the people around them. Maybe, not everybody likes night work, but, let us fairly admit, sometimes we have to work. Yearly projects, rush reports – how many things are done at nights while everybody at home sleeps peacefully in their beds.

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL and SVEN Comfort 7600 EL keyboards – it is a modern solution of half of problems of all “owls”. We turn off lamps and turn on keyboards! We emphasize at once that modern backlit keyboards are in a marked contrast to those first screeching models with electroluminescent backlight, which were produced in the past. The backlight has become controllable, softer and more pleasant for eyes, color can be selected based on your own preference. The mentioned above models have another pleasant trifle, which enhances comfort of a user – additional keys. It looks like there was a reason to name that series as Comfort.

Package, package content

Devices are packed in white-blue boxes. There is the product photo on the front side and its detailed description on the rear side. By the way, there is a QR code on the box, thanks to which advanced users will be able to find at once all specifications of the device in the Internet.

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL packed

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL packed

There is a small User’s Manual, which will help to understand the enhanced functionality, as well colored advertisement of other new products of SVEN Company. And, of course, a warranty card gladdens as well – it is issued for 12 months.


Both keyboards have the restrained classic design – at first, you even do not say that they are too unusual. Black color, glossy surface and rectangular case look spectacularly, strictly and moderately.

Comfort 7600 EL

A “junior” model – 7400 EL – is “decorated” with a silvery fringe.

Comfort 7400 EL

They are wired models and are connected to the computer via USB port. In general, it should be pointed out at once: the keyboards are not small. We have before us the full-fledged table solution for active work with the digital unit, editing keys and standard layout. There are even legs on the rear side, which enable to change the inclination angle.

One can see that 7400 EL is narrower and 7600 EL is wider. There are two reasons for that. In the first place, 7600 has a small support for more comfortable placement of hands. And in the second place, it has an additional block of multimedia buttons.

Keyboards have very similar construction, there are, apparently, no substantial distinctions. But if have to choose, then we would choose 7600 EL. Its design seemed to us a little bit more attractive.


Well, we have gotten around to the most interesting. At once, we will emphasize one important advantage of SVEN Comfort 7400 EL and SVEN Comfort 7600 EL as compared with other variants – not the whole key is backlighted, but only symbols on it. At that, both Latin and Russian symbols are backlighted, and even the additional keys (not all developers remember about these important things).

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL

We liked the light, it is quite bright and you do not need to look intently at symbols, but it does not strike the eye. In the daytime or at night after completion of work, it can be turned off, of course. For this purpose a small key is envisaged on the right corner. It takes only to hold it pressed for the pair of seconds and light-emitting diodes will go out, but at that, the keyboard will continue to work the way it should be.

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

In principle, the backlight of both keyboards is practically similar, so there is nothing to compare. There is only one difference there. As we have already mentioned, the backlight color can be changed. So, in smaller 7400 EL a user can choose only between two variants: blue or green. But the bigger 7600 EL has already three colors: blue, red or violet. Colors are switcher over instantly, with the help of the same key Led Illumination. Only this time not long, but short pressure must be used.


Those people, who work a lot with texts and numbers, will like the keyboards – everything is on their places, fingers run from a key to a key by usual routes. The keystroke has average depth and it is accompanied with light noise. Rigidity and clearness of keys are average, the same as in overwhelming majority of standard keyboards. Key surface is a little bit rough, fingers do not slide off.

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

Everybody will be able to find something useful for themselves among additional keys. Do you like music and movies? Here are keys straight in the center to switch over tracks and for convenient volume control. Do you work much with applications and the Internet and conduct active business correspondence? There are keys on one side for the mail client, home page and access to programs.

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

SVEN Comfort 7600 EL

SVEN Comfort 7400 EL

Taken alone the keys of Comfort EL 7600 and 7400 are not the main trumps of these keyboards, they are simply quite good. However, connoisseurs of big full-size keyboards can add to advantages their classic layout.

In operation

During active work with great text volumes, both keyboards proved well. From the point of view of the ordinary typing we have before us tolerable devices of the average level, the absence of “notebook” minimization of blocks can be added to their advantages. In regard to the backlight, then there is nothing to say about. It is, undoubtedly, a very pleasant addition, and sometimes it is just a salvation for those people, who have not yet mastered touch-typing. At that, it must be admitted that the backlight in these models is realized well.

Multimedia keys, seemingly it is a small thing, but they are useful too. Their location is good, it does not hinder typing, functions are appointed suitable. So, the work was found for these keys, especially when hands have got to the player and Check Email.


SVEN Comfort 7400 EL or SVEN Comfort 7600 EL will be a good purchase for those people, who feel more comfortable to work at the home computer without light. Such a keyboard will be useful not only for a table computer, maybe it is able to optimize the control of a notebook as well, if you got used to work with it on the worktable.

As regards the choice between two models, then it seems to us that the most fundamental difference is in the backlight color. Other things are not so important. So, if you have a possibility to choose, then it will be better to connect both devices and compare, what colors are more pleasant for your own eyes.

P.S. By the way, those people, who have burned with desire to “backlight” their workplaces, can also pay attention to SVEN Comfort 7200 EL model – it has the backlight of the whole layout.

Photos from TECHLABS studio, photographer Kirill Kruchinin

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