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Support Review and Tests of SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000. Wall-Mounted Automatic Voltage Regulator for 8000 W

Notwithstanding the fact that electric power bills advance right before your eyes, the quality of electric power being supplied in Russia is far from the ideal. This concerns not only the private sector, but apartment houses as well. Voltage jumps have already become habitual, and, as a result, household appliances get out of order frequently. Unfortunately, we have not a choice of a power supplier; there is nothing to do but to be satisfied with what is available. Automatic voltage regulators will help to solve this problem; today we have for tests SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000 wall-mounted automatic voltage regulator. This solution will be interesting for using in offices, apartments and private houses.

It is a senior version in this line of wall-mounted automatic voltage regulators; there are also SVEN AVR PRO LCD 5000 and SVEN AVR PRO LCD 8000. Digits in the name characterize the power, before selection it is recommended to estimate the total power of used electrical appliances, and it will be better, if there is a noticeable reserve of this power. Automatic voltage regulators, which we examined recently, were portable, they had one disadvantage – they required an additional space and they were limited regarding the number of connected devices and the place of using. A wall-mounted version enables to connect the whole line, without bothering to place the device.

Package contents

An automatic voltage regulator is supplied in a carton with the inscription of the model and its specifications.


SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000 has the thick black metal case. The assembly quality is perfect; there are no creaks or clearance of details. The producer separately marks and pays attention to the fact that the automatic voltage regulator must not be connected to an ordinary wall socket due to its high power. It should be connected by qualified electricians only with the use of special terminals.

In all other respects, the use of this system will not cause any difficulties. After wiring connection, you have to put a switch in ON position.

There is a red button close to the switch; it controls the turn-on delay. When it is in pressed condition, the voltage is supplied within 3 minutes, if it is in an ordinary mode – within 5 seconds.

The LCD abbreviation in the model name is not accidental; there is a display on the front side of the automatic voltage regulator, which displays the information about input and output voltages. There is also a mechanical button there to switch between information data.

The case dimensions are 285 × 420 × 145 mm with the weight of 18.5 kg. Such impressive weight is due to the use of components of high quality.

There are special wall-mounted holes on side edges of SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000. 4 screws will be required to fix it to the wall.

There is a terminal block at its bottom to connect power supply, as well as the output channel with grounding.

The fan is located on the left verge at the top; it is turned on after threshold crossing, within the ordinary time it is turned off. The system operates silently.


SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000 operates within the range of input voltages 140–260 V with the actuation time less than 10 ms. In order to access its content you will have to take off an external cover fixed with screws. It must be done when the voltage is disconnected. We do not recommend opening the case if there is no need.

Everything is organized thoroughly inside. A massive transformer is located at the top part. Holtek HT46R064B microcontrollers are used there. Xinya JQX-80A serve as contactors. The 64А fuse is located there as well.

Four step-up stages are used to compensate low input voltage.


We created artificial changes of input voltage and made measurements both at the input and at the output. I use a device with the display of results; such data can be considered more precise than the use of traditional equipment. The device copes with its direct task perfectly well. Minimum stable level has been fixed at 1460 V mark, everything appropriates to declared values within ±8 % on this parameter. The automatic voltage regulator is disconnected automatically with further decrease.

The regulator operates smoothly; no problems have been fixed either during power supply increase or during decrease. It is necessary to measure the operating temperature at the end of the test. It is an indirect indicator, which testifies about the fault tolerance and service life of the automatic voltage regulator. During the household usage, the temperature in the hottest part does not exceed 50 degrees; it is a quite low level.

Resume about SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000

Under conditions of the Russian power supply network, the use of automatic voltage regulators at home and in the office I consider as obligatory. Version with SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000 can be considered in circumstances, when one device must protect appliances within the limits of the whole house, office or apartment. 8000 W power must be sufficient. I involved this system to protect two rooms in my conditions, where the main equipment is located including a PC, test stand, notebooks and TV-set. If there are not so many devices, it is possible to consider more affordable models SVEN AVR PRO LCD 5000 or SVEN AVR PRO LCD 8000.

SVEN AVR PRO LCD 10000 receives a well-deserved honor “The Gold. The choice of the editorial staff”.

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