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Support SVEN Comfort 3535: Keyboard That Can More

A modern computer is not only a typewriter or source of access to the Internet, but it is also the most real media center, which is very functional at the same time. But the more possibilities, the more difficult to handle them. It is needless to say that key combinations are provided for many actions, but nobody will want to memorize all of them.

Multimedia keyboards equipped by additional keys to control a browser, a media player and other possibilities come to the aid. It is our today's story about one of them. We’ll speak about a keyboard being produced by Finnish Company SVEN, which gave good account of itself for a long ago, i.e. Comfort 3535.

Ergonomics and design

Before familiarizing ourselves with the keyboard appearance let us look at a box. It is a carton of traditional dimensions executed in familiar for SVEN tones – blue and white. SVEN Comfort 3535 keyboard is depicted on the right side of the package as well as there is brief description of its features. But on the rear side we find out specifications on different languages including Byelorussian.

A brief user's manual, warranty card and CD with drivers have been found inside the carton besides the keyboard.

The appearance of SVEN Comfort 3535 delights the eye; its design is quite original. Central part of the front panel is grey, but the front and rear edges are black. However, if the front edge is mat, then the rear one is glossy. Indeed, it would be an irrational solution to make a glossy surface against which hands rest constantly, but mat plastic is practical in this place.

Lateral edges, which gradually transform to the bottom, are black. At first glance to keys, you feel that stickers with a Cyrillic layout were sticked on them. You feel so because edges of black key surfaces, except for the top key raw, are framed with the stripe of rubberized grey plastic. The producer asserts that such a solution affects positively the typing ability – we will check soon.

Keys have standard size, the layout is traditional, Enter key is straight. Symbols of the Roman alphabet are white and of the Cyrillic alphabet are orange. A digital block and edit block are on familiar places, they did not undergo “infringement of rights”. Three indicators of Lock modes are on their legal place as well.

There are 12 additional buttons behind the row of function keys. They are designed to control a browser and e-mail client, to call applications My computer and Calculator, as well as to control a media player.

But the most interesting thing is in the front of the digital block, at the keyboard leading edge. Three additional functions responsible for the Skype control are located there. They are keys to start and finish the call, as well as the button to start the conference.

There are no noteworthy things on the bottom besides the pair of folding legs, which allow changing the angle of the case inclination.

The power cord, which connects the keyboard with the PC, is behind it; it has the length about a meter and a half, and that length is more than enough in most cases.

The quality of applied materials and the assembly is at a high level.

In process

The time is right to check SVEN Comfort 3535 in process. The keyboard has a membrane construction, due to which keys are rather resilient, but at that, they are pressed quietly. Their stroke depth is optimum. Key surfaces are a little bit concave, although it is hardly noticeable, it will be difficult to make a mistake during typing. It is very pleasantly to type even large texts on this keyboard, the small thickness is also favorable for this – hands do not get tired at all. It takes only to mark that all the keys emit identical sound, Space and Enter keys are not distinguished in this plan, as it happens in other keyboards.

Additional buttons cope with their assigned tasks with a great success without installation of additional drivers. Devotees to communicate in Skype will be glad to have three buttons, which allow controlling this application – it is conveniently indeed.

Frankly speaking, regarding fringes of the keys made of rubberized plastic, we cannot say that they have any impact on the ease to type. Ergonomics of SVEN Comfort 3535 is such, that it will be difficult to make a mistake on it.


SVEN Comfort 3535 is a comfort keyboard actually. Thanks to a membrane construction, keys are pressed quietly; they have an optimum stroke depth and resilience. The operation process with the keyboard, in particular typing of large texts is very pleasant. Actually, we did not meet such a keyboard so pleasant just in the plan of typing for a long ago; moreover, it concerns the devices, which have considerable price range.

Nowadays it is difficult to surprise nobody with the availability of additional keys responsible to control a browser, sound and a media player, but even there SVEN Company was able to be distinguished by equipping the keyboard with three buttons, which allow controlling an application for video calls, which is Skype in most cases.

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