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Support SVEN HM 100 GT Multimedia Headphones Review – DJ Design in an Ordinary Model,

Today we’ll talk about SVEN HM 100 GT multimedia headphones. What’s special about them is their ability to be used both as headphones and a headset, depending on the user’s needs. Though you may object saying that any headset can be used as headphones, and you’ll be right. The matter is, the microphone can be dismounted if it’s not used. As to the way it’s done – you’ll get to know about this a bit later.

Beside this, one can’t but notice that the headphones use the time-proved design and construction of DJ headphones manufactured for more than 10 years, which presupposes no problem with convenience in use. Is it really so? We’ll check it out soon

Package and Contents

The headphones are packed into a transparent plastic box with cardboard inserts.

Inside the pack there are two cables. One of them has a 3.5 mm mini-jack at each end. The fact is that the cable is replaceable. On the other cable you can find a microphone and a volume control wheel combined with a microphone switch, so there are two plugs at one of its ends. This is how the headphones are turned into a headset by simple cable replacement.

Except for the cables, the package includes a textile carrying case, a mini-jack to jack adapter, a brief user manual and a warranty card.

Design and Ergonomics

The headphones’ design is popular among DJs. The outer surface of its massive headband is covered with leatherette, and the inner surface - with textile. Under the textile there is a foam insert to reduce pressure on your head.

The length of the headband is adjusted with plastic bands you can hide inside the headband. On the bands you can see seven size marks. The earcups can be rotated about the vertical and horizontal axes.

The construction lacks only springs returning the earcup holders into their initial position. When you are wearing the headphones, it doesn’t matter much, but if you leave them on the table, the cushions turn down. The design of the holders enables the user to fold the headphones into transporting position, so that they take far less space.

The earcups, as well as the rest of uncoated surfaces, are made from black soft-touch plastic. Only the decoratory covers outside the earcups are produced from matt graphite-colored plastic. In their appearance, they remind of wheel clads.

The ear cushions, soft enough, by the way, are made from artificial leather. Traditionally, they are irregularly shaped. This, together with ability to rotate, helps adjust the headphones to the individual peculiarities of the listener’s ears. Though the ear cushions would better be a bit deeper, because the plastic driver grilles hidden under the covers may press on some users’ ear tips.

The cable attached to the left earcup is only 10 cm long and has a connector at the end. As we’ve already mentioned, according to the purpose you are using the device for, it can operate with one of the included cables: with or without a microphone. The length of the cable equipped with a mic is about 2.1 m, and the length of the one without a mic is 1.5 m. The mic is located at an optimal distance from the beginning of the cable – it’s very convenient to use. The volume control wheel is also handily situated.

The replaceable cables are quite convenient, so the idea deserves our positive mark. In addition, this construction has another serious advantage. Many users forget about headphones on their head completely and can stand up and go wherever they want. Sometimes they end up throwing a laptop off the table, which is hardly the case with a disconnectable cable.

The quality of the materials used is on a very decent level, the assembly quality doesn’t arouse any criticism either.


As we have already said, the headphones are connected to a PC or laptop with one of the two cables. If you need the microphone – take the cable with it, if you don’t – take the other one. By the way, the quality of the microphone operation seemed flawless to us; though it’s located some distance away from the mouth, the person you are talking to hears you quite well. As to ergonomics, there are no serious remarks. You’ll just have to get used to some design peculiarities, as the device was initially intended for DJs. It includes considerable weight and pressure of the earcups on your ears.

Now let’s see, that is, hear what the sound in these headphones is like. 50 mm membrane, 32 Ohm impedance, and 106 dB sensitivity.

In general, the sound of SVEN HM 100 GT is pleasant, but to evaluate it, you need to wear the headphones for several hours or even days, because if you are used to the dull sound of most cheap headphones, you’ll be at least puzzled with what you hear. But in some time you’ll start feeling the beautiful sound of the strings, the clearness of the bass drum, the keyboards, and in fact you’ll clearly hear the back vocal for the first time in a well familiar song. And if you appreciate this sound, your good old headphones you had bought for $20-30 will gather dust in your closet or become your help in watching TV at night.


Sven HM 100 GT headphones are suitable both to be used as a headset and for music listening. They provide enough bass, but slightly lack treble though it doesn’t have a drastic effect on the sound. The headphones reproduce all music instruments perfectly well, easily coping with the most complicated vocals. All music styles, from popular music to dynamic metal, sound superb.

To sum it up, the $35 the headphones cost in retail is an absolutely reasonable price.

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