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SVEN RX-G880 gaming mouse — a light breeze in the hands of a gamer

Fierce gaming battles can happen not only in virtual space, but also in a real world. Sooner or later almost all e-sportsmen face a situation when a palm holding the mouse gets warmer and becomes wet…as a result the controller starts slipping from a hand, user experience drops and it becomes harder to focus on a gaming process. Our engineers tackled this problem with proper determination — they integrated a mouse SVEN RX-G880 with a two-speed fan, that constantly blows on a gamer's hand with fresh air. The solution is simple and elegant, and most importantly it is effective.

SVEN RX-G880 gaming mouse
SVEN RX-G880 gaming mouse

In general, the controller design is remarkable due to a lot of "aggressive" details with sharp edges and adjustable backlight, making the SVEN RX-G880 one of the dominating elements of a gaming space. The gaming mouse casing is made as ergonomic as possible, ensuring comfortable grip during long hours of gaming. Hardware of a device matches the visual look. Optical resolution of its sensor varies in an interval from 400 to 7000 DPI, helping find the optimal ratio of cursor precision and speed for efficient gaming.

As usual, there are programmable buttons allowing to record macros — they allow to quickly perform the most demanded chains of actions, literally "in a single motion". The settings are stored in-memory of SVEN RX-G880, so even if you switch it between different PCs, it continues operate the way an owner is used to. These distinctive features also will come in handy in work and study — in other words, anywhere you need high level user experience and options, increasing efficiency of user interaction with a PC.

SVEN RX-G880 is one of the most authentic and "advanced" devices of the recent time, targeted for a broad audience, which is proved by its cost. You can check it out right now, because the sales in electronics and household appliances stores have already started.