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Tuki Stable Power Supply. SVEN AVR-1000 LCD Automatic Voltage Regulator Review,

Today we are testing a rather unusual electric appliance, which, at first glance, can’t make a drastic effect on a stereo system sound. But only at first glance.


Audiophiles have long been arguing on effectiveness of usage of various surge protectors, UPS’s, lab transformers and AVRs for their systems. There are quite opposite opinions – from complete rejection in view of negative influence on the sound to obligatory use. Points of view concerning the effect of these devices on the sound of speaker systems are rather subjective, but there is an objective fact – clear and stable power supply is useful for electronics, as it prolongs operation life of various components in conditions of voltage instability and surges. Certainly, if you have a competently made power distribution in your house with implementation of solid large cross-section copper cable, and the substation operates well without voltage blackouts and overshoots, buying AVRs and surge protectors is optional. But if you live in an old house, the wiring is worn out, archaic aluminium wires fall into pieces right in front of your eyes, sockets spark and at times you can observe voltage falls or, vice versa, surges, a voltage regulator, or at least a surge protector, is absolutely indispensible. The most affordable and widely spread device is a surge protector; however, it won’t give a global solution. At abrupt voltage surges it will just switch off your appliances, while an AVR will keep them operating in an ordinary mode, as long as such overshoots are within reasonable limits. Needless to say how important it is, especially when high-precision electronics is on and any interruption in its operation threatens with important data loss or process shutdown. But let’s get down to business. Let’s get a view of what SVEN AVR-1000 LCD is. Its design, we should say, is too eye-catching for an ordinary household appliance, and indeed, the finishing is too rich for such appliances, and the two LCD displays puzzle: is it an audiophile miracle? There is also a power key, pause button and three LEDs on the front panel, and the rear side is equipped with one output socket only. It’s worthwhile in some sense: the AVR is not a surge protector, that’s why it’s better to buy an optional surge protector with several sockets. Inside the metal case on the bottom there is a powerful toroidal transformer. It stands on a solid rubber spacer insulating the case from vibration – any vibrancy will be minimized. Besides, such a construction will help avoid overheating. Leaping ahead, let’s mention that SVEN AVR-1000 LCD is absolutely noiseless; you won’t hear it even in a small silent room. Six Songle SRD-12VDC-SL-C relays in charge of the transformer winding changeover operate current commutation up to 10 A. The logic is controlled with 8-bit Holtek Semiconductor HT46R064 and a block of four LM324N op amps.

The advantage of SVEN AVR-1000 LCD in comparison to its competitors is its operation within a giant voltage range – even if it falls down to 100 V, it guarantees 220-230 V output voltage. And this is not a motorized and pretty noisy lab transformer. In cases when frequent voltage blackouts occur, the device can be taken into pause mode – then the AVR will deliver power to the consuming devices in three minutes after the blackout. It will secure your home equipment, for instance, your refrigerator, from breakdown. It’s necessary to add that this device is more suitable for home use, i.e., in the environment with stable temperatures (not less than 0° C), moderate humidity, low dust concentration. And, certainly, when buying it, estimate the intended load in order not to reload SVEN AVR-1000 LCD, as the LCD model line includes five devices capable of operating with load ranging from 500 to 3000 VA.


An indispensible device for apartments with old wiring, summer houses, small laboratories for precise medical or technical research with high-precision measuring equipment used, for extending operation life of household appliances and electronics.

Pluses: original design, reliability, noiseless operation.

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