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Tuki Testing of SVEN Boogie Ball Speaker System

Original article has been published on the web site
July 2009
Dmitry Kolganov

There is such a direction as compact speakers in the acoustics field. It means that you want sometimes to listen to the music far from the civilization, but headphones have pestered to death. Well, or when a big company gets together, hearts pine for music, but a guitarist cannot string two words together. Usually at a time like this, mobile telephones are taken away and the discordant choir of hoarse loudspeakers join battle. One can well understand that the sound leaves much to be desired.

This matter is solved the best by means of portable loudspeakers. However, until recently the majority of such loudspeakers were notable for extremely flat and narrow-band sounding. A very original development of SVEN Boogie Ball has become a pleasant exception to the rule.

Outside discotheque

We won’t have the heart to name Boogie Ball as an ordinary speaker. Externally it resembles a discotheque ball of distant 1980th, only it is manufactured of plastic pleasant by touch (soft touch). Boogie Ball is produced in six colors: green, black, blue, pink, white and red. We have had a blue model for testing. We can say from the very beginning that the color gamut does not influence on its technical characteristics.

A 36 mm loudspeaker hides on the right side under a black protective grill, that is quite well for such a little one. Fortunately, the designers did not lock it in a little case. SVEN invented the system to increase the internal space of a case. It turns out that Boogie Ball consists of two halves. After turning them relative to each other the speaker can be opened in the literal sense of the word. Small bellows is laid out between parts approximately 1.5 cm long. The working space is added in such a manner.

The opening case is the main titbit of Boogie Ball. In such a manner, SVEN has increased the working volume of the speaker, that have positive impact on the sound.
Boogie Ball is connected to an audio source through 3.5 mm jack; if a device does not have a corresponding jack then it has a rather big set of adapter connectors at option.

Who have called the tune

You can connect whatever you like to this little one, starting from a telephone and ending with a player. The main jack of Boogie Ball is 3.5 mm jack. It is located on the rear side of the case and neatly put in a special groove. The only shortcoming there is that is too short, two centimeters only. But the set of cables in package will covers the cost over and above. SVEN understands perfectly that not every telephone has a normal headphones jack and that is why the package has adapter connectors for the most popular phones like Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Samsung. There is a cable for 2.5 jack. As you see, the preparation is substantial.

The control there is extremely simple – only one lever on the left. Actually, it is responsible both for the volume and for turning off of the loudspeaker. The system operates from its own ithium-ion battery, capacity of which is enough for imposing seven hours of operation. The battery is charged from a computer or socket only for the pair of hours – there is a mini USB port on the right side for this purpose.

Farewell, headphones

Well, let us now speak about the main thing – about the sound. Honestly speaking, our expectations were very skeptical. Until now we have not met portable speakers, which have been able to produce something better than loud squeaking whir. However SVEN Boogie Ball sounds improbably qualitatively – even basses are present. Not to mention the fact that the loudspeaker is omnidirectional and plays very loudly.

The whole control boils down to the volume change, there is one lever for this purpose.
There is mini USB port on the right side to charge the built-in battery.

We will say in conclusion that SVEN Boogie Ball is an excellent thing. The price for the speaker is affordable – from RUB 500. At this price it’s a giveaway taking into account its quite good sound quality, considered set of adapter connectors and high volume. Communication with Boogie Ball leaves the positive impressions only. And if you like to get out for kebabs in the company of friends, then obligatory look closely to this little ball produced by SVEN Company.

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