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Tuki Active SVEN IHOO MT 5.1P Speaker System. Survey Article, Magazine

In spring of this year, we have happened to familiarize ourselves with IHOO MT 5.1 R speaker system for home theatres in one box. And now look intently at the headline – is there any difference in the name of the product? Yes, it is, but it is quite insignificant, in one letter only, which concludes its index. Moreover, these two speaker systems are similar in outward appearance, as like as two peas. So, let us try to identify wherein differences are there, the more so because the presented system is a regular new product of the vigorous Sven brand.

When we started to read specifications of Sven IHOO MT 5.1 P, then we did not fail to study the materials for MT 5.1 R. And then everything fell into place at once. The weight of the new system was a little bit less, whereas the total power grew for 10 W. For small rooms it was a considerable increase. Cabinets acquired more powerful loudspeakers with increased cones in spite of the fact that their dimensions were invariable, the frequency range widened in the upper case.

Another one weighty innovation is the impulse power unit. It provides the stable operation of the new model regardless of voltage swings in the power supply network. Unlike its junior model, the front, rear and central speakers of this system have different overall characteristics. That pointed to the fact that the producer had approached expertly to the technical stuffing of the system – it had chosen loudspeakers, which by their construction corresponded the best to assigned tasks to IHOO MT 5.1 P.

All speaker system look quite strictly: with the least of details in the design. Two loudspeakers are mounted in each front speaker: a soft dome silk tweeter 25 mm in diameter and a squawker with a cellulose cone 115 mm in diameter on the long-stroke rubber suspension, which provides the dense and detailed sounding. There is the port of a phase inverter on the rear wall and, unfortunately, two spring, but not screw terminals. The central loudspeaker has the same tweeter, but there are two squawkers there. But the rear speakers have no tweeters and broadband emitters are mounted there. MDF cabinets of speakers are decorated with natural black veneer sheet. Facades are closed with neat cloth grills.

The main unit of the system undoubtedly is the impressive active subwoofer, which is equipped not only with its own power amplifier, but also oscillates other speakers. Besides, it is equipped with the Dolby Pro Logic surround sound processor, and that makes it possible to distribute an ordinary stereo signal to all satellites and to build the scene in such a way as the speaker system reproduces the multichannel sound. The design of a low-frequency unit is interesting: the emitter is located inside its case and the sound propagates through a round megaphone in lower part on the facade.

Besides two input stereopairs, there is an analog multichannel 5.1 input; everything is assembled on the usual RCA jacks. Therefore a user, who has in his PC a modern audio card with Dolby Digital decoder and multichannel output, can involve Sven IHOO MT 5.1 P speaker system in a role of the home theater on the basis of PC, or simply to connect a DVD player or Blu-ray to it – provided that it is equipped with a multichannel output. It is possible to control the input selector switch, turn off the sound by the single button pressing, reset, as well as to control the volume level of the front and rear pair, center and subwoofer with the help of the remote control.

В During operation, it is better not to take a great interest in adjusting the maximum volume level – the clipping and distortions are not ruled out during the low-frequency unit operation, but that, however, is not a shortcoming of the speaker system. If you wish thunder and lightning, concussion of diaphragm and the movement of arm-chairs, then you will acquire a powerful floor speaker system. But Sven IHOO MT 5.1 P is rather small aviation. And by the by it is a highly asked-for system. As a result we must state that this speaker family is of good quality, has been made with love, but the main thing – it achieves the assigned purpose – if not to amaze a inveterate music lover, then exactly to gladden ordinary common users, who are, as a matter of fact, majority.


It is the ideal solution to create your first home theater, especially for schoolchildren and students. It requires minimum financial investments, but it has quite qualitative and worthy sound.

Advantages: moderate price, simplicity of installation and operation, informative sound of good quality, elegant remote control.

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