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Tuki SVEN STREAM Mega Speaker System Testing

The original article is published on
September 2010
Vasily Zapotylok

So, today we have not a top-rated multimedia stereo pair of STREAM line in front of us, but the newest development of SVEN Company, on which the producer lays its highest hopes. The product is positioned as a universal solution for in-home use jointly with any sound sources, as well as a probable solution for a sound-recording studio of the initial level. Qualitative full-size loudspeakers and separate amplifiers with active high-order crossovers are envisaged for this purpose. Frankly, it is rather bold statement, therefore we, as never before, are interested to familiarize ourselves with the newly-made product closer.

Package content

The speaker system has considerable dimensions; therefore, it gets into the customer’s hands in rather big carton inside which you can find the following:

– STREAM Mega speakers;
– multiple connection cable;
– signal cable with 3.5 mm plug and adapter connector for two RCA;
– Operation Manual and warranty card.

It is worth noting that non-standard cables with 4-pin plugs are used for commutation of all speakers of STREAM line. The cable length makes 2.5 meter for junior models, in our case it has been increased up to 3 meters. The logic of such decision is clear, because a heavy and powerful speaker system can be placed at large distances easily, sounding at that impressive premises.

Appearance and design

The general continuity of style for STREAM Mega has been maintained; speakers perceptibly grew in dimensions, but at that, they kept well recognizable lines. Cases of speakers are made of wooden material 15 mm thick, that cannot but gladden, because the greater power of the system, the thicker its walls. It just goes to show that STREAM line has been designed quite competent. As before there are decorative straps imitating natural wood on side walls. Four rubber legs are envisaged to place the speaker system on horizontal surfaces.

The applied high-frequency loudspeaker differs nothing from solutions used in the stereo pairs having been already considered recently. The dome of one inch emitter is made of fabric, and the magnetic system is screened completely. The low-frequency loudspeaker has been transformed considerably. In the first place, its dimensions have been increased, that carries hopes to get full-fledged low frequencies. In the second place, instead of a protuberant dust cap the concave cap is used. According to the subjective sensations the head looks quite confidently, and even a hole has been envisaged in its core to cool a coil.

Control elements are arranged, as before, on a small plastic insertion at the bottom of one of speakers. Three knobs enable to control volume and frequency balance and an additional jack makes it possible to connect headphones. It is worth noting that immediately after its appearance STREAM Mega has been started to compare with Royal 2 and as to the appearance users’ opinions differ a little bit, then as to knobs they are practically uniform – analog potentiometers are more comfortable than the digital control, which reset all settings, when power supply is off.

The rear panel of the active speaker looks classically. Virtually, its half is occupied by the cooler radiator to cool powerful microcircuits, but only two stereophonic RCA inputs, a specific output jack and power switch with the fuse are located close to it.

The interior of speakers looks confidently. A big toroidal transformer is used for power supply. Its parameters are not indicated comprehensively; however, the voltage of secondary windings is equal to 2х18 V, but its power according to subjective estimations is not less than 100 VА. Two 6800 µF condensers are mounted in the filter, but the diode bridge has a small aluminum cooler. The main electronic part is soldered on two boards. The active filter, which divides the input signal, is located on one of them. The final amplifier is located on the second board. Two LM4766T microcircuits are involved for realization of four channels. They are well-known chips produced by National Semiconductor Company designed for 2х40 W power. In our case every channels operates with load 6 (HF) and 4 (LF) Ohm, and with declared values (30 W per one loudspeaker) the nonlinear distortion factor does not exceed 0.1%.

Practical testing and listening

So, let’s start with examination of gain-frequency characteristics. The speaker system reaches the rated level just at 50 Hz, and the unevenness of gain-frequency characteristic within operation range does not exceed ±3.5 dB. Middle frequencies are notable for the absence of sharp dips and peaks, but on HF we see an uncritical boost, which merges into high-frequency cut.

The timbre control operates by analogy with models of STREAM line having been already discussed before.

The speaker system rotation for 45 degrees results in appearance of the pronounced high-frequency cut. That is during installation and listening it is worth trying to obtain for the optimum orientation without deviation from the acoustic axis.

Nonlinear distortions even with a rather big volume level do not rouse strong censure. It is obvious according to the characteristic that the coefficient is practically below 1% within the whole range. At that if the low-frequency loudspeaker sometimes reaches this mark, then HF head operates very “clear”.

STREAM Mega is in quite interesting situation. On the one part, this full-size speaker system has a fair price, therefore in making a subjective assessment it is possible to write off some shortcomings. But from the other – the model has a successful “elder brother” Royal 2. The Royal costs a little bit more expensive, but after production, these speakers have been named justifiably as one of the best in their price category. Actually, STREAM Mega starts to compete with them directly and it is difficult to argue with such a really successful product.

As a whole, the speaker system sounding is at high level. Bass has appeared as compared with Light version. Low frequencies are dynamic and resilient; maybe, they do not have the depth and immensity only. However it can be hardly written down as defects, because the loudspeaker grew up, but all the same, we do not cross the format of multimedia stereo pair, even it is big. Middle frequencies has gladdened with quite good detail. High frequencies are clear and transparent. STREAM Mega copes quite well with practically all musical compositions. Of course, the simple pop sounds more confidently than heavy rock, however the dip of detail during transition to compound compositions we can consider as uncritical. The model reveals itself quite good in movies and games. Due to the use of complex separation filters the ability to form the musical scene with clear positioning of sources decreased, however it has not dropped to critical values. The power of speakers is enough to sound any middle or even big room with no trouble at all, and the volume increase does not result in great growth of distortions.


As the result, the Mega version looks as the excellent logical completion of STREAM line. Speakers grew up in dimension greatly and now they can be named truly as a full-fledged shelf speaker system. Its original appearance and production high quality are maintained in full. It is possible to say relative to the sound, that it has turned out universal and steady. Consequently, this set can be used to solve any home tasks, whether it be the listening of music, movie or games.

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