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Tuki SVEN AP-B770MV – Perfect Sound without Wires

At the end of 2013 SVEN Company presented a light full-size SVEN AP-B770MV headset with the unnoticeable built-in microphone and support of wireless connection. Even with all things considered a new product costs quite inexpensively, and it was promised the battery operation up to 22 hours. In general, the product looks quite interesting.


The headset is for sale in a qualitative box, which is easily opened. For example, the headset can be opened straight in the shop to check the sound quality. The miniUSB cable to charge the battery and, naturally, all necessary papers are supplied jointly with them.


The model has a quite typical unpretentious design. Its headband is practically entirely finished with black synthetic material with the soft stuffing. A size is regulated within quite wide limits, therefore the headset has good compatibility.

Hold-down pressure of cups to ears can be estimated as average; that jointly with soft ear cushions provides the quite comfort pressure. You can use SVEN AP-B770MV within hours, in spite of its closed design.

It is supposed to use Bluetooth only to connect to audio sources, because the model does not have an analog input. It is set according to a standard scheme, but additional functions appear in the interface mode. In the first place, buttons enable not only to control the volume, but to switch over tracks remotely as well. In the second place, a microphone built in the left cup provides an opportunity to accept incoming calls.

Impressions from the use

When using within a week, SVEN AP-B770MV headset did not upset at all, vice versa, but convinced that it was correct purchase for its money. Sounding was qualitative and balanced. Low frequencies do not prevail over other parts of the sound range; therefore the music was reproduced in detail, and during voice communication the speech of a caller is well audible. The self-sufficiency of the device impresses as well. One charging of the battery lasts approximately for 15-16 hours of continuous listening to the music. Therefore, the model undoubtedly is not “tied” to the socket.

Only the voice transmission quality can be considered as a disadvantage. A thoroughly built-in microphone is much more convenient than a remote microphone, which is fixed on a rod, however just due to it there are small difficulties. A sensor is remote from the mouth and physically it is tied to one of headphones, therefore during communication the voice seems as remote and sometimes even unwanted sounds appear. But by and large the sound transmission quality via the built-in microphone is quite satisfactory.


SVEN AP-B770MV provides good reproducing quality and high self-sufficiency. Besides of that we liked its modest weight and perfect ergonomics. Only moderate quality of speech transmission by the built-in microphone can be considered as a disadvantage.

Photos from TECHLABS, photographer Kirill Kruchinin

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