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Tuki SVEN CS-306: About the Classics Once Again

Do you know what mice now are the most popular? No, not sensor, not laser and even not wireless mice by any means. As before classic caudate “rodents” with the optical sensor are in great demand among customers. Because of this developers of peripheral devices for the present do not intend to renounce the production of such manipulators. And today we have in the crosshairs the next such specimen – SVEN CS-306 wired optical mouse.

If a person prefers a standard mouse, then why such a model is not given to him? We acknowledge that multibutton super modern devices are actually interested for “geeks” and an audience with specific overestimated requirements. But an ordinary user will not always buy such things. Frequently manipulators of the classic type appear more preferable – they are comprehensible, habitual and do not confuse one more time. So, today the universal standard models of mice are quite topical. And they permanently occupy the first places in the mouse hit parade of popularity.


SVEN CS-306 mouse is packed in a small simple white cardboard box with a photo. You can find the photo of the device on the box and, for the sake of clarity, information about its key features.

The mouse is minimalistic, there is no fancifulness and effort to startle people in it. However, designers did not refrain and added a little “zest” to its appearance. The combination of materials with different textures and a small design asymmetry make the mouse image quite modern and beautiful.

The mouse form casts nostalgia – well, it is the same classic mouse, though a little bit decorated. Its spout is complanate, the back is protuberant and risen at the rear for the comfort lay of a hand. The middle-sized case is made of black mat plastic, along the perimeter it is belted with an attractive glossy insertion. The shining left button has something in common with the insertion, which is made of the same material for reasons of stylistic. The sides of the mouse narrow nearer to the bottom; this prevents the case slipping out of fingers and provides the convenient grab. The main material of the case is not slippery; by itself it provides some cohesion with the palm.

It is worth noting that SVEN CS-306 is a symmetric mouse. In practice it means that the device will suit equally both the right-handed and left-handed persons. It is convenient, when a computer has to be used by different people from time to time.

The “tail” of this model has middle thickness and rigidity. It straightens up quickly and does not hinder during manipulations – it is not the least of the factors. There are, as befits, legs on the bottom for good sliding along a mat and the optical sensor. The developers did not start to invent anything new in the mouse; a standard design was used there, which showed itself to good advantage for many years of practice.


SVEN CS-306 can boast only two most necessary buttons. Such a mouse will suit to those persons, who do not like, when unnecessary buttons and incomprehensible elements get under fingers, which can be caught accidentally with an unpredictable result.

The buttons occupy the whole top surface of the case, they are wide and long – you will not miss the mark. The right button is solid with the case, but the left one is a separate element. But it is an external feature only; by stroke both buttons practically are not distinguished. We liked the button stroke: they are activated clearly, springy and very pleasantly.

There is a slit between buttons, where a small rubber wheel is sunk into. Its surface has no roughening, it is a shortcoming from the objective point of view, but you can use the scroll-wheel with no problems at all. The wheel is scrolled smoothly, practically without any noise. If necessary, it can act as a middle button, it is pressed.

Specifications and software

A reader has certainly guessed that software as such is not required for this mouse due to its simplicity. It has Plug-and-Play support. So you have to connect it to a USB port to activate the manipulator. Everything is easy and trouble-free. For users, who do not wish to go deep into nuances of the use of appliances, it is an advantage.

It is an optical mouse with standard specifications, its sensor resolution is equal to 800 dpi, the port sampling rate is 125 Hz. The device operates normally both on different mats and without them, this can be useful. In general, in order not to tell lies, its specifications are quite ordinary. It is just a variant, which will satisfy the needs of a standard user, who is not spoiled by gaming mice.

You can see above the operation result with the help of SVEN CS-306 in a graphics editor. Lines sometimes are not very smooth of course, but it is quite enough to work with text editors, the Internet and other standard activity.

In operation

Two buttons and the scroll wheel make the mouse functionality conditional on the level of the base functionality. From the ergonomics point of view the model is quite good, the hand does not get tired, especially if it has got used to the classic form of manipulators for a long time. The model is the best for medium-sized hands, but it does not cause any discomfort at all to large masculine hands and children’s small hands. Buttons are easy-to-use; we have no claims to them. Though, it would not be bad if the scroll wheel surface would be roughened, but, in principle, its material provides quite good cohesion, therefore it cannot be named as a serious disadvantage.


This model does perfectly well as a base mouse for a home PC, as well as it is a suitable variant during arrangement of working places in offices. It is worth noting separately that the price of SVEN CS-306 is not “predatory” at all. It is a small, but pleasant advantage, which has significance in its occupied niche.

Not all new products of industry are estimated by users positively. There are enough people who do not like the wireless interface, multibuttons or sensitivity selection – give them an old good habitual mouse without any “peacockeries”. SVEN CS-306 has the best features of a classic mouse, that is why it will be accepted by such users very favorably. But it most probably will not excite emotions in progressive “technophiles” – neither bad nor good.

SVEN CS-306 model is good by its simplicity and versatility. The mouse is simple, but its assembling is good, design is attractive, it does not require special handling, settings or recharges. The wired connection reduces to zero all the problems with batteries. There is a universal and reliable base variant before us, which can be connected to any desktop computer (or even to a notebook, if need be).

Photos from TECHLABS studio, photographer Kirill Kruchinin

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