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Tuki Mini System in a New Way. SVEN MS-2000 Testing

In due time – well, maybe and now, for old times' sake, – many of us had mini systems with the pair of cassette tape decks, disk drive and, of course, radio set. Nowadays, in the age of computers, fast internet and total dominance of MP3 all this wealth is not needed, and producers have to invent new moves. SVEN MS-2000 speaker system is one of prominent examples of reconsideration of the classic.


Cassette tapes in it were replaced by the USB port for USB flashes, disks – by SD/MMC card readers, and the radio set... remained the radio set, there is nothing here to invent. Everything was designed as a standard 2.1 computer speaker system: two small satellites, a subwoofer, connection via 3.5 mm jack. Habitual MDF cabinet covered with black film. The front part is glossy plastic. It looks nice, but it collects the dust with armfuls.

Specifications are as right as rain. Ideal 50-20,000 Hz and 40 W on RMS scale are written in the manual, which suggests that you will not be able to gladden to Metallica’s licks individually, you will have to divide your mood with neighbors as well.

As a matter of fact, three loudspeakers will tickle their ears – a woofer 133 mm in diameter on the subwoofer and two 80 mm squawkers on speakers. SVEN Company refused from separate tweeters. Maybe it was done because upper frequencies struggle through walls poorly, or maybe because for the beauty – it remains a mystery, but it is not important, it does not hinder to playback on the speaker system. Of course, you will not hear the chair creak under the sixth violinist in the third row on SVEN MS-2000, but for the price RUB 2000 speakers sound decently. There is neither nasty clatter, as it often happens on systems of the same level, nor strong frequency shifts to the lower area. But if any problems are revealed, they can be concealed with the help of available there settings of bass, medium frequencies and the volume control of the subwoofer.


In order to get to them, you either will have to get to to the front panel of the woofer, where the LCD display and five buttons are located, or to arm with the remote control. The last one was trained not only to standard tricks such as volume, settings and switching of tracks and radio waves, but it also sets adroitly the disconnecting timer, backlighting intensity level of the screen and a source of the music playback.

For SVEN MS-2000, to all appearances, it is all the same from where and what to playback. It picks up FM radio decently and memorizes up to fifty waves. It is connected with a computer via 3.5 mm jack or the pair of RCA jacks and can accept another source, for example, a player or phone. It also confidently swallows USB flashes with memory cards. Only a few seconds are required for reading, and that is not surprising though. SVEN MS-2000 ignores ID3 marks; it marks musical compositions with numbers from 0 to 9999. It is possible either to switch between them, simply snapping by one, by ten or by one hundred files, or to enter a certain number from the keyboard of the remote control.

In total


  • original set of functions
  • decent sound for such price
  • good bass.

The only unsolved problem regarding SVEN MS-2000 is why all these USB flashes, USB, FM radio set are needed, when we can use a computer, which performs all these functions? But the answer is on the surface as usual. For those users, whose PC operates in 24/7 mode, such functionality may be required except perhaps during the visit to a summer cottage for barbecue (the speaker system can be placed in a large knapsack) or during the use of SVEN MS-2000 in the kitchen. But for those users, who use a computer as required, the ideas of SVEN Company appeal to their liking very much. Well, actually, it is sluggishly to start the system unit for a radio, open a record player, turn the music on, but in this case, you will have to click a button only – and mind your own business.

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