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Tuki Recreational Geometry of SVEN MS-1080

Do you remember there was such a simple psychological test: select the most similar figure to you and learn more about your personality? Somebody gave preference to the square, somebody liked the perfection and completeness of the circle, some people drew their attention to triangles...

SVEN Company offers you to make guesses on speaker systems: pay attention to the shape of speakers in your friends’ apartment and maybe you will know something new about them. But jokes aside, what speaker systems has this Finnish developer not produced: both small boxes and balls, and cylinders and even flying saucers. However, today we’ll speak about cubes, but more precisely, about the three-channel SVEN MS-1080 speaker system, because just this geometrical figure was taken as the basis.

This triplet came into the world long ago, but until now, the customer’s attention is drawn not only by its unusual modern design, but also by its high quality, high comfort degree during its control thanks to an easy-to-use wire remote control, but the most important thing is the sound, which is worthy even for a fastidious user.

Probably, it is not necessary to explain to a reader, what the trifonica or figures 2.1 designating it means. If to say in brief, it means a speaker system consisting of two satellites, i.e. speakers responsible for high and medium frequency reproduction, as well as a subwoofer or low-frequency speaker, which adds special depth of basses to the general sound.

SVEN MS-1080 speaker system reproduces frequencies in the range between 50 and 20,000 Hz, and this is more than sufficient not only for listening to the music, but for sounding of movies rich of sound special effects and for computer games as well. Total power of the model is 40 W: 10 W are produced by each satellite and 20 W – by the subwoofer. With such apportionment, you will be able to fill easily with sound an ordinary living space, and you can feel entirely every musical instrument, every timbre and every rhythmic nuance of sounding canvas within the limits of your workplace.

It follows herefrom that this speaker system is designed first and foremost to use at home. Nevertheless, if you are a happy owner of a personal office study and you like to work to a tune of your favorite radio stations, then MS-1080 can turn to be very useful in this case. Fortunately, due to its small dimensions you will find a place for this speaker system even in straitened conditions.

It is noteworthy, that all components of the model are made in wooden (MDF) cabinets. They have, as we have noted above, square forms. As a rule, satellites are placed on each side of the monitor, and the floor-standing variant is preferable for the subwoofer. Nevertheless, some users share their impressions how they experiment to place speakers, for example, placing all three cubes one upon the other. In general, in this case it is possible to try improvising a little bit.

Dimensions of front speakers are 110x110x120 mm and the subwoofer – 220×230×268 mm, so as you can see, they are practically ideal cubes. In order that the black painted items do not look too tedious, the developer added a few elegant elements, which enliven the picture. For example, grills covering loudspeakers have two fringes: thin red and thick glossy.

The grills proper are round as well; they are very strong and can completely protect the system from impacts. We advise to pay special attention to this moment for users with infants or pets, who like to play and sometimes are incautious during their plays.

The satellite loud speakers are broadband 76 mm in diameter; the subwoofer loud speaker is 165 mm in diameter. It is necessary to remember also that the phase inverter of the woofer is located on the rear side; it means that this speaker cannot be located close to the wall.

The speaker system controls are often located on the subwoofer. So it is the same case: there is the master volume control and the separate low frequency knob on one of side panels of the greatest cube, as well as audio inputs and the on/off switch are also there.

However, let us not forget about the availability of the wire remote control. Thanks to it, a user will not have to shove under the table each time to control the volume. This component is made in the form of a peculiar little “puck” with a rubber pad at the bottom, which does not allow the remote control to slip along the table. Besides the sound control, this component also serves for the convenient connection of headphones and a player to the speaker system.

We can estimate the sound of SVEN MS-1080 rather highly in spite of the fact that this is a budget-oriented model and it costs approximately $55. The music flows gently and clear from such speakers, and it is characterized by the clarity, detail and purity. Human voice sounds as well, and the lovers of thriller movies will not be disappointed. It is good also, that even with high sound values there is not any hum, rattle and other sound artifacts in the subwoofer. An owner of this speaker system probably will have to be busy himself a lot with selection of an ideal place for every speaker, but after finding such a place he will be appreciated by the excellent sounding.

So, let us summarize a little. SVEN MS-1080 is a compact, stylish, easy-to-work and high-quality 2.1 speaker system designed for the home use. It is a universal speaker system regarding genres being reproduced, very comfort during control thanks to a remote control and it has rather good possibilities for connection as well. We will not affirm that the speaker system is customizes for music lovers, such listeners prefer HI-FI speaker systems as a rule. But, if we are speaking of a thrifty buyer, who strives to save maximum money buying a speaker system and get the worthy sound at that, in this case MS-1080 has all chances to get in the field of his interests.

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