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Tuki SVEN RX-420: Modern Classic of the «Mouse» Genre

Not that long ago a mouse model with two buttons, scroller and USB-cable was considered as a classic mouse, but today a wire is an atavism. And if you ask an average user, what mouse he needs for his work, in most cases he will answer: «Well, the very common one! Mid-size, wireless, with a wheel and pair of additional buttons». So ecaudate «rodents», which once were considered a wonder, gradually became an everyday thing.

In this regard SVEN RX-420 model can be named as a standard one, which is that rare type of product where the functionality, quality and price are in the ideal balance. In order not to make unsubstantiated statements, we will note that the product cost in the retail trade is approximately $20. For this money a purchaser gets a wireless manipulator manufactured according to the highest standards with high ergonomics, base functional element and even additional «dibs».

According to its dimensions the mouse ranks that golden mean, when it is not able to be placed in a notebook bag (together with a notebook), but at that it allows your palm comfortably relaxing on its back. The device appearance, at first glance, is very simple; however, as soon as you begin to work with it you feel that quite a lot of ideas and forces were put into its ergonomics.

The manipulator has been tested within approximately three hours, in that time interval your most humble servant had time to do some work with the text, «surf» Internet spaces, game Angry Birds and fiddle with photos in Adobe Photoshop from the personal archive.

In this connection I would like to share with two important discoveries. In the first place, all these activities were performed with RX-420 mouse with great pleasure, which testifies about the «cross-country capacity» of the model. In the second place, after three hours of work my hand did not feel the slightest tension or fatigue. I had a feeling that the situation would not be changed at all, if we sat in front of a PC a standard 8-hour working day. By short, the mouse is not only a universal one, but it is also orthopedic.

The product back has pleasant soft-touch texture, I can also say the same about its left side, where, by the way, there is convenient hollow for a thumb.

To make the manipulator not so ascetic exteriorly (moreover that it is painted in dark-grey color), developers added a little gloss to it – just enough that the device does not slip out a hand. I should say that the result turned out to be quite nice, but unpretentious.

Main buttons of SVEN RX-420 have standard width; they are elongated and slip into the back. Their pressing has a middle depth, in spite of the fact that it is not very quiet, but it is precise. Two additional buttons provide easy movement back and forth between pages. They have the shape of two protuberant stripes and are located on the left side. These elements are obviously pressed by the thumb without looking at them at all.

A scroller is also available in this model. A hand wants to press it intuitively and it is not mistaken: the third click function is present there indeed. So, the opening of a reference in a new window, as well as game functions performed by this gesture are accessible.

The mouse connection does not require any intricate actions – with a subtle movement of the hand we place a receiver into a USB-port and immediately after a couple of seconds the «rodent» is ready to work, game and to do everything that you will decide to do with it.

It should be noted that the device resolution makes 1000 dpi, and it must be enough for comfort implementation of the most various work, whether it be routine puttering around tables or face embellishing in Photoshop.

Of course, we would not advise such a manipulator to professional gamers so they do not start imputing their game failures to the glorious Finnish developer. Nevertheless, if you are an inexperienced gamer, then such a model, as SVEN RX-420 will be quite enough to rest.

Special strips are provided on its bottom in order the mouse easily slides over the table surface. ААА-battery compartment is also available there (according to the information of the producer their capacity will be enough for three month operation approximately), as well as a special hiding-place for a receiver there. If you are going to transport the mouse from your home to the office and back every day, you can hide a receiver in it, otherwise it will be lost for sure.

Well, that is the whole story about SVEN RX-420. It should not be left unmentioned that the offer turned out to be very tempting for such small money. The mouse, in principle, has everything. As they say, the mouse has not got special «frills», but on the other hand the device works off its base functions in one hundred percent! Here is it, the new classic. It seems that the next evolution step of mice will be «dying off» buttons and complete transition to sensory technologies, but now let us enjoy what is in fashion.

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