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Tuki SVEN SPS-704: Transition Model with Affordable Price

The range of SVEN models includes plenty of decent stereo speaker systems among which are Stream lineup, updated Royal 2R, Royal 1R, to name but a few. But all these are top models not meant for mainstream buyers. And, naturally, a stumbling stone here is price. This makes speaker systems like SPS-704 Speaker System even more attractive. Their cabinets are of medium shelf size, and on-board drivers have rather decent characteristics thus ensuring by anticipation substantially better sounding quality as compared to that which non-expensive speakers can produce. And their price does not exceed $60. All this rightfully qualifies SVEN SPS-704 as some transitional step from flatly decorative solutions to full-featured systems.

Package Contents

The speaker system comes with a conventional set of contents including: two speakers, 3.5 mm signal cable and Operation Manual with warranty card. Connection cable for interconnecting speakers is not included in the package as it is already fastened to one of the cabinets.

Appearance and Design

Speakers have classical appearance and one may well mistake them for a full-featured shelf speaker system. The size of cabinets is somewhere between that of the already mentioned cheap speakers and that of the top models. There’s certainly no any tendency towards minimalism, but it must be mentioned here that notwithstanding the height of the speakers (about 27 cm) they may be quite comfortably accommodated even on medium-sized computer table.

Cabinets are manufactured from MDF material. By the way, as you can see here, the manufacturer doesn’t just offer plain rectangular cabinets, but something more to it. Side cover plates imitating natural wood with plenty of bevels and roundings serve to improve the cabinet stiffness which positively influences the sounding characteristics.

When taking off protective nets the on-board drivers may be seen. Low frequency head is small-sized. The size of driver is 100 mm, the 74 mm cone is made from thick paper. The dome of high frequency driver is made from impregnated textile. Feels good.

The front panel of one of the speakers accommodates three standard control knobs. They serve to change volume and high and low frequencies balance. A headphones jack is located here too. The plugging of headphones switches off the speakers automatically.

Internal implementation is rather blameless. The active speaker accommodates two-way amplifier built on microchips of 2050 class. Condenser is used as a high-frequency filter. By the way, it is not electrolytic, but a film-type condenser: one more score for this.

Testing and Listening

Frequency range of the speakers happened to be rather good, especially considering their size. Actually they begin to function starting from about 70 Hz, and only nearer to 15 kHz a noncritical drop of frequency response begins.

Tone control functions correctly ensuring good deep response not only for steep slope but also for ramp-up of required frequency range parts.

According to our personal impressions the speakers are sounding quite well. The middle is moderately detailed. High frequencies cause no objections. Volume of speakers is normal; in any case, it is sufficient for playing music and watching movies within rather a small room. Blurs expectedly appear when the knob is turned to maximum.


In general, though the system is not without some faults, its sounding quality is sufficiently high to cater for the needs of a conventional user. Such speakers may be recommended as a universal option for home multimedia computer. They are rather good for playing music and watching movies.

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